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Mandy's Musings


Just as the days are getting lighter and longer, and green shoots are beginning to be seen, we go into Lent which is a period of reflection on difficult things as well as penitence involving a good amount of naval gazing. It seems to be a stark contrast to the effect that the advent of Spring can have on our moods. Do we now need to contemplate dark things and hardship until we get to Easter Day? And that's pretty late this year anyway so it feels longer.  Isn't our world dark enough with everyday life on the news and in our experience?  I have been musing on what my Lenten season might contain this year and have looked through some of the resources offered by Ely Diocese and other Christian partners. A few titles of studies grabbed me: The Whole Easter Story: why the cross is good news for all creation; Hope in Hard Places. embracing the Middle East; Christian unity in a fragmenting world; Living Hope. All of these can be found on the Diocese of Ely website - 2025 Lent Resources.  The main theme seen through all these resources is the theme of HOPE. I wonder if we think about how many times we use this word, 'hope', in our everyday lives. 'I hope you can come', 'I hope the weather is good today', 'I hope things go well', 'I hope to be able to do that'. These are just a few of the common phrases that we hear frequently. You might like to take a day and count how many times you hear or see the word' hope' - I wonder if it would be more than 50 times?! All of this encourages me to reflect on how much we need hope in our lives, even if, sometimes, it has to run alongside despair and darkness. Human beings need to have hope. So, whatever we find ourselves reflecting on during Lent, I hope that we will always be able to see beyond the hardship and towards the green shoots of hope that come alongside us with Spring and Easter Day. And that if we create hope in our lives through Lent, we can bring that hope to others.


Every blessing,


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Coffee and Chat

7.45pm, Thursday 6 March

10 The Limes, Harston


Join us for a discussion of "The Heart of it All" by Sam Wells.

We will discuss the first two weeks of the Study Guide p.97-99.

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Friends of St Edmunds

11am, Friday 7 March
Join us for the monthly Friends of St Edmund’s coffee morning in St Edmund’s Church when coffee and homemade cakes will be served. 
Everyone is very welcome to come along for chat and to meet friends.  

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Junior Prime Brass concert

3pm, Sunday 9 March

All Saints' Church, Harston

Experience the vibrant sounds of Junior Prime Brass as they take you on a journey through a diverse selection of music! From classical masterpieces to exciting modern tunes. Whether you’re a fan of timeless brass harmonies or looking for fresh new sounds, this talented young ensemble offers something for everyone.


Ticket prices: £10 with £5 concessions.

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Lent Lunches

Soup, roll and Lenten thought

​12.30-2pm Wednesday 19th March, Harston


12.30-2pm Monday 31st March, Hauxton


All welcome. Donations to Christian Aid

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In Conversation

All Saints' Church, Harston

7.30pm, Wednesday 26 March
Christine Webber 

Read more

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Mothering Sunday Posies

11am, Saturday 29 March

Harston House

We will be making posies for distribution at our Mothering Sunday service at Harston House from 11.00am on Saturday 29 March and would love to see anyone who can spare an hour or so to help.  Coffee and cake provided!

Please let Charlotte know on

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Deanery Event

Come & Sing Bob Chilcott’s St John Passion

St Mary’s Church, Linton CB21 4JX

1-6pm, Saturday 12 April 2025


We will be learning the St John Passion by Bob Chilcott with an informal performance at 5pm. Bob Chilcott turns 70 this April and he has composed many lyrical and accessible works. We are sure that this will be a moving and enjoyable work to prepare.


The cost for singers is £15 to include music hire and tea (sandwiches, cakes). This event is to raise funds for St Mary’s Church.


To register email

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Food Hub

Wed & Sat 11.30-1.00pm in Harston Baptist Church email:

Harston Community Foodhub has two separate sections that operate in different ways and have different aims.

The ‘Food Bank’ provides emergency food support to residents of Harston and the surrounding villages (mainly Hauxton, Foxton, Newton, Haslingfield, Barrington and Shepreth). It is part of a network of food banks that operate in South Cambridgeshire. Bags of non-perishable food are made up using food donated or bought with donations. Support from the food bank is intended to help people through a crisis.

The ‘Fresh Food Larder’ distributes fruit, vegetables and bread and is part of an initiative that helps to avoid food waste. Donations of surplus stock are picked up from local supermarkets and farm shops by volunteers (often the night before) or brought in by local growers. Whilst much of the food is collected by people visiting the food bank, food from the fresh food larder is available to everyone no matter where they live or the circumstances they are in.

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Trumpington Memory Cafe

Every third Wednesday of the month,10am-12 noon at The Pavilion, Paget Road, (opposite Anstey Way), Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 9JF

Run jointly by Trumpington Parish Church and the Rotary Club.

A place where people with varying forms of memory loss can visit with their carers and support each other and have fun. Call 01223 840268 to book a place and please give your name(s).

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Free admission to Ely Cathedral

All electoral roll members are eligible for a free pass to Ely Cathedral. If you would like one, please fill in this form and ask Mandy or a churchwarden to sign it. You can then present the form at the Cathedral to get your pass. 

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